
Wameedh projects suggestions for all tech fields. The main focus of this repository is to showcase various technologies. Understanding the breadth of technologies available is crucial in the vast field of technology. Identifying the existence of different tools and solutions is often the most challenging yet essential aspect of learning. Once you're aware of a technology's existence, you can delve into it whenever the need arises. Therefore, learning about the existence of different technologies is fundamental for continuous learning and growth in the tech industry.

"Knowing how to find the answer is almost as valuable as knowing the answer"

Made by Wameedh, for Wameedh.


Internet Of Things:

  • Room Access Control System with ESP32
  • Weather Station with ESP32
  • GPS Tracker with ESP32


  • Matrix multiplication with VHDL
  • Send data from FPGA to Arduino with serial communication

Desktop softwares with python.

  • Renaming multiple files in python
  • Automate sending emails with Python
  • QR Code Scanner to mark attendance
  • Youtube Video Downloader with Python (Youtube downloaders software all suck dont they ? make your own)