
Analysis of microbiome samples in CWL using QIIME2

Primary LanguageCommon Workflow LanguageMIT LicenseMIT

16S Multipart Workflows

Based upon https://docs.qiime2.org/2018.4/tutorials/moving-pictures/



Visualize 16s-step1-import-demux-paired.cwl at view.commonwl.org


Before running this step a user must determine dada2_trunc_len_f, dada2_trunc_len_r and dada2_trim_left_f, dada2_trim_left_r parameters. This can be done based on plots you see in demux.qzv created in Step1.

Visualize 16s-step2-dada2-paired.cwl at view.commonwl.org


Before running this step a user must determine diversity_sampling_depth and rarefaction_max_depth parameters. diversity_sampling_depth can be determined by looking at table.qzv from Step2. rarefaction_max_depth can be determined by looking at table.qzv (Frequency per sample).

Visualize 16s-step3-alpha-beta-analysis.cwl at view.commonwl.org


Each sub-step above corresponds to a cwl sub-workflow in the subworkflows/ directory with the qiime2 prefix. Each command within these sub-workflows corresponds to a CWL CommandLineTool in tools/qime2/ directory.

Visualize workflows and subworkflows at view.commonwl.org.