
This is the companion repository to the ICSE 2023 paper "Analyzing the Impact of Workloads on Modeling the Performance of Configurable Software Systems".

Primary LanguageJava

1 Package Description

This repository provides supplementary material to the ICSE 2023 paper "Analyzing the Impact of Workloads on Modeling the Performance of Configurable Software Systems", including experimental data (configuration samples, subject system code) and measurements (performance, option- and workload-specific code coverage) as well as an interactive dashboard. The latter complements the presentation of the study results in the paper and allows for reproduction of our analyses and findings.

1.1 Experimental Data

The material includes information about the following nine software systems:

Name Domain Language Repository Code Used / Version License
jump3r Audio Encoder Java Link v1.0.4 LGPL 2.1
kanzi File Compressor Java Link v1.9 Apache License 2.0
dconvert Image Scaling Java Link v1.0.0.-alpha7 Apache License 2.0
h2 Database Java Link v1.4.200 Mozilla Public License version 2.0
batik SVG Rasterizer Java Link v.1.14 Apache License 2.0
xz File Compessor C/C++ Link v5.2.0 GPL 2.0 and GPL 3.0
lrzip File Compressor C/C++ Link v0.651 GPL 2.0
x264 Video Encoder C/C++ Link baee400.. GPL 2.0
z3 SMT Solver C/C++ Link v4.8.14 MIT License

1.1.1 Configurations

This archive includes the configurations sampled and used for conducting the experiments as CSV files:


1.1.2 Workloads

The files used as workloads/inputs in the experiments were collected from various sources. We provide a list of the provenance of the files at:


In compliance with the license (LICENSE.txt). This archive does not include the complete set of files used because not all files used allow for redistribution under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license.

1.1.3 Performance Measurements

This archive includes the performance measurements (throughput and execution time) per configuration and workload as CSV files. The performance measurements for each <software system> can be found in the following subfolder:


1.1.4 Coverage Measurements

This archive includes (as a separate file!) raw coverge measurements per configuration and workload as CSV files. Based on these files, the option- and workload-specific code is inferred. The raw code coverage measuremnts can be found as a gz-ipped tar archive:


1.1.5 Option-specific Code

This archive includes the calculated code sections that are a) option-specific and b) workload- and option-specific. The code sections for each <software system> can be found in the following subfolder:


1.2 Interactive Dashboard

We provide an interactive dashboard using the frameword streamlit that allows exploring in detail our analysis for each configuration option and workload. The original paper presents a representative subset of the results, all analyses and visualizations can be reproduced using this dashboard. We provide a Docker-ized version to run the dashboard locally.

To build and run the Docker container execute the following commands:

cd ./dashboard
docker build -t streamlitapp:latest .
docker run -p 8501:8501 streamlitapp:latest

You can now explore the dashboard running locally at or https://localhost:8501.

To use the dockerized application, the container environment Docker has to be set up and running. To install Docker, these tutorials provide orientation: