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This repository contains a dataset, annotation framework and code for the work "SciTweets - A Dataset and Annotation Framework for Detecting Scientific Online Discourse" published at CIKM2022. You can also download the dataset and annotation framework from https://doi.org/10.7802/2434.

Table of contents:

Contents of the Repository

Directory Structure

This repository contains the following directories and files:

  1. annotations

    1. annotations.tsv the annotated SciTweets dataset
  2. classifier_preds the classifier predictions used for evaluation in section 3 of the paper

    1. scibert_2stage_predictions.tsv the classifier predictions to compute the prec@100 scores
    2. scibert_cv_predictions.tsv the classifier predictions to compute precision, recall and F1
  3. heuristics code and supplementary material for the heuristics explained in section 2

    1. cat1_sciknowledge.py code to run heuristics for category 1.1
    2. cat2_sciurl.py code to run heuristics for category 1.2
    3. cat3_research.py code to run heuristics for category 1.3
    4. news_outlets_domains.csv domains and subdomains from major news outlets
    5. README.md information about the heuristics
    6. repo_subdomains.csv domains and subdomains from open access repositories
    7. sc_methods.txt list of scientific methods from SAGE Social Science Thesaurus Link
    8. science_mags_domains.csv domains and subdomains from science magazines
    9. wiki_sci_terms.txt list of scientific terms extracted from wikipedia glossaries
  4. annotation_framework.pdf the annotation framework provided to the annotators

  5. classifier_cv.py code to reproduce the 10-fold cv results in section 3, table 3

  6. classifier_p100.py code to reproduce the prec@100 results in section 3, table 4

  7. classifier_eval.ipynb code to calculate the performance for section 3, table 3 and 4

  8. dataset_statistics.ipynb code to calculate the dataset statistics for section 2, table 2

  9. Readme.md this file


Label distribution of the annotated dataset in annotations/annotations.tsv:

Labels Category 1 Category 1.1 Category 1.2 Category 1.3
Yes 403 (31.88%) 283 (23.82%) 190 (15.65%) 259 (21.32%)
No 859 (68.12%) 905 (76.18%) 1024 (84.35%) 956 (78.68%)

More statistics available in dataset_statistics.ipynb.

More information about the categories available in annotation_framework.pdf

Pretrained Model

The SciBert baseline classifier trained in section 3 of the paper can be used for fine-tuning or inference following the instructions at SciTweets_SciBert @ Huggingface.


Please cite the following paper if you are using the dataset, annotation framework or pretrained classifier

  1. Hafid, Salim, et al. "SciTweets-A Dataset and Annotation Framework for Detecting Scientific Online Discourse." Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management. 2022, download.
  title={SciTweets-A Dataset and Annotation Framework for Detecting Scientific Online Discourse},
  author={Hafid, Salim and Schellhammer, Sebastian and Bringay, Sandra and Todorov, Konstantin and Dietze, Stefan},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Information \& Knowledge Management},


This dataset is published under CC BY 4.0 license. It allows reusers to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format, so long as attribution is given to the creator (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)


Please contact salim.hafid@lirmm.fr or sebastian.schellhammer@gesis.org


This work is supported by the AI4Sci grant, co-funded by MESRI (France) and BMBF (Germany, grant 01IS21086) and the French National Research Agency (ANR).