
A Multi-modal Large Language Model for Molecular Science with Graph, Image, and Text

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arXiv DOI



Here, we introduce GIT-Mol, a multi-modal large language model that integrates the structure Graph, Image, and Text information, including the Simplified Molecular Input Line Entry System (SMILES) and molecule captions. To facilitate the integration of multi-modal molecular data, we propose GIT-Former, a novel paradigm capable of mapping all modalities into a unified latent space.

The article has been accepted by Computers in Biology and Medicine.

GIT-Mol overview

An overview of GIT-Mol.

  • (a) Internal Information: Includes sequence and graph structure representations, emphasizing inherent chemical properties and simple topology.
  • (b) External Information: For example, images and text descriptions provide richer details and help in human understanding.
  • (c) GIT-Former Multi-modal Encoder: Architecture and Pre-train Strategy of GIT-Former. GIT-Former aligns graph, image, and text with the target text modality (SMILES strings or captions) using self-attention and cross-attention. The learnable queries interact with each other and the various modalities through these attention layers. Xmodal-Text Matching (XTM) and Xmodal-Text Contrastive Learning (XTC) represent our self-supervised learning strategies tailored for specific modalities (X) and target text modalities.
  • (d) Multi-modal Molecular Tasks: In cross-modal tasks, GIT-Former generates different embeddings based on various inputs, which MolT5 then decodes into the target text modality and the MLP model for property prediction tasks.

Note: The sections on Data, Model, and Training below describe the contents of the respective directories. Due to size constraints and permissions, some data and ckpts may not be uploaded.



igdata - This folder contains the data for pretraining GIT-Former with image, graph, and SMILES modalities.

  • train_4m.pkl
  • valid_400k.pkl

igcdata - This folder contains the data for pretraining GIT-Former with image, graph, and caption modalities.

  • train_220k.pkl
  • valid_20k.pkl

image2d - Data of molecule images in the pretrain stage

  • cid.png


ChEBI-20 - This folder contains the data for finetuning GIT-Mol on molecule generation(caption->SMILES)

  • train_26k.txt
  • validation_3k.txt
  • test_3k.txt

molcap - This folder contains the data for finetuning GIT-Mol on molecule caption(graph, SMILES->caption) and molecule image caption(image->SMILES)

  • train_72k.pkl
  • valid_9k.pkl
  • test_9k.pkl
  • image2d
    • cid.png

MoleculeNet - This folder contains the data for finetuning GIT-Mol for molecule properties prediction (classification)

  • bbbp
  • bace
  • tox21
  • clintox
  • sider
  • toxcast

Due to file size constraints, the ChEBI-20 and MoleculeNet datasets can be downloaded from the following links:

Data processing




  • ckpts - This folder contains checkpoints of pretraining and finetuning
  • configs
    • config.json - Config file of this model
    • deepspeed_config.json - Config file of deepspeed in Accelerate
  • models
    • GIT_Former.py - Code of GIT-Former
    • momu.py - Code of the graph encoder
    • momu_gnn.py - Code of the graph encoder
    • swin_transformer.py - Code of the image encoder
    • model_pretrain.py - Code of the pretraining model
    • model_finetune.py - Code of the finetuning model
  • dataset
    • dataset.py
    • graph_featurizer.py
  • utils
    • utils.py



  • evaluations - Evaluations of molecule translation tasks
    • fingerprint_metrics.py
    • text_translation_metrics.py
    • mol_translation_metrics.py
  • train
    • pretrain.py
    • finetune
      • molecule_translation.py - Finetuning of the molecule translation task
      • property_prediction
        • finetune.py - Finetuning of molecule properties prediction task
        • model.py
        • splitters.py
        • loader.py

Below are the specific parameter explanations for the property_prediction task:

property_prediction -- finetune.py

  • --modals
    Modalities used in this task contain graph2d, SMILES, or both.

  • --pool
    Type: str
    Default: avg
    Pooling function of text and graph embeddings. Options: Avg or Max.

  • --fusion_mode
    Type: str
    Default: attention
    If we use graph2d and SMILES modalities in this task, we can choose the fusion mode of the two embeddings. Options: Attention or Weights.


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  title={Git-mol: A multi-modal large language model for molecular science with graph, image, and text},
  author={Liu, Pengfei and Ren, Yiming and Tao, Jun and Ren, Zhixiang},
  journal={Computers in Biology and Medicine},