
Schedule your Chaos!!

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Litmus chaos-scheduler for injecting chaos experiments on Kubernetes

Litmus chaos scheduler is used by Kubernetes application developers and SREs to inject chaos into the applications and Kubernetes infrastructure in a managed fashion. Its objective is to make the process of validation and hardening of application workloads on Kubernetes easy by automating the execution of chaos experiments. A sample chaos injection workflow could be as simple as:

  • Install the Litmus infrastructure components (RBAC, CRDs), the scheduler, the operator & Experiment custom resource bundles via helm charts
  • Annotate the application under test (AUT), enabling it for chaos
  • Create a ChaosSchedule custom resource, which describes the ChaosEngine template to be scheduled

What is a chaos scheduler and how is it built?

The Chaos scheduler is a Kubernetes scheduler, which are nothing but custom-controllers with direct access to Kubernetes API that can manage the lifecycle of certain resources or applications, while always trying to ensure the resource is in the "desired state". The logic that ensures this is commonly called "reconcile" function.

The Chaos scheduler is built using the popular Operator-SDK framework, which provides bootstrap support for new scheduler projects, allowing teams to focus on business/operational logic.

The Litmus Chaos scheduler helps reconcile the state of the ChaosSchedule, a custom resource that holds the chaos intent specified by a developer/devops engineer against a particular stateless/stateful Kubernetes deployment. The scheduler performs specific actions upon CRUD of the ChaosSchedule, its primary resource. The scheduler also defines secondary resources (the ChaosEngine), which are created & managed by it in order to implement the reconcile functions.

What is a chaos schedule?

The ChaosSchedule is the core schema that defines the chaos workflow for a given application. Currently, it defines the following:

  • Execution Schedule for the batch run of the experiments
  • Template Spec of ChaosEngine according to which chaos is to be exceuted

The ChaosSchedule is referenced as the owner of the secondary (reconcile) resource with Kubernetes deletePropagation ensuring these also are removed upon deletion of the ChaosSchedule CR.

Sample ChaosSchedule for reference:

apiVersion: litmuschaos.io/v1alpha1
kind: ChaosSchedule
name: schedule-nginx
namespace: litmus
    executionTime: "2020-05-11T20:30:00Z"   #should be set for type=once
    startTime: "2020-05-12T05:47:00Z"   #should be modified according to current UTC Time
    endTime: "2020-05-12T05:52:00Z"   #should be modified according to current UTC Time
    minChaosInterval: "2m"   #format should be like "10m" or "2h" accordingly for minute and hours
    instanceCount: "2"
    includedDays: "Mon,Tue,Wed"
    appns: 'default'
    applabel: 'app=nginx'
    appkind: 'deployment'
  # It can be true/false
  annotationCheck: 'true'
  #ex. values: ns1:name=percona,ns2:run=nginx
  auxiliaryAppInfo: ''
  chaosServiceAccount: pod-delete-sa
  monitoring: false
  # It can be delete/retain
  jobCleanUpPolicy: 'delete'
    - name: pod-delete
            # set chaos duration (in sec) as desired
            - name: TOTAL_CHAOS_DURATION
              value: '30'

            # set chaos interval (in sec) as desired
            - name: CHAOS_INTERVAL
              value: '10'

            # pod failures without '--force' & default terminationGracePeriodSeconds
            - name: FORCE
              value: 'false'

What is a chaos engine?


What is a litmus chaos chart and how can I use it?


What are the steps to get started?

  • Install Operator Components and RBAC and CRDs

    kubectl apply -f https://litmuschaos.github.io/pages/litmus-operator-latest.yaml
  • Install Scheduler and it's CRDs

    kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/litmuschaos/chaos-scheduler/master/deploy/crds/chaosschedule_crd.yaml
    kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/litmuschaos/chaos-scheduler/master/deploy/chaos-scheduler.yaml
  • Create the pod delete Chaos Experiment in default namespace

    kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/litmuschaos/chaos-charts/1.4.0/charts/generic/pod-delete/experiment.yaml
  • Create the RBAC for execute the pod-delete chaos

    kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/litmuschaos/chaos-charts/1.4.0/charts/generic/pod-delete/rbac.yaml
  • Annotate your application to enable chaos. For ex:

    kubectl annotate deploy/nginx-deployment litmuschaos.io/chaos="true"
  • Create a ChaosSchedule yaml with the application information and chaos experiment with their scheduling logic, For example: Click Here

  • Create a ChaosSchedule customer resource in the desired cluster, For example

    kubectl apply -f chaos-schedule.yaml
  • Watch the injection of chaos at the scheduled time, For example

    watch kubectl get pod,chaosschedule,chaosengine -n litmus
  • Describe the ChaosSchedule for see the detail of chaos injection.

    kubectl describe chaosschedule schedule-nginx

    Refer the ChaosSchedule Status. While any ChaosEngine is active or yet to be formed according to the schedule time. The .status.schedule.status is set to running eventually changed to completed

    Name:         schedule-nginx
    Namespace:    default
    Labels:       <none>
    Annotations:  API Version:  litmuschaos.io/v1alpha1
    Kind:         ChaosSchedule
      Creation Timestamp:  2020-05-14T08:44:32Z
      Generation:          3
      Resource Version:    899464
      Self Link:           /apis/litmuschaos.io/v1alpha1/namespaces/default/chaosschedules/  schedule-nginx
      UID:                 347fb7e6-2c9d-428e-9ce1-42bdcfdab37d
      Chaos Service Account:  
      Engine Template Spec:
          Appkind:              deployment
          Applabel:             app=nginx
          Appns:                default
        Chaos Service Account:  litmus
          Name:  pod-delete
            Rank:             0
        Job Clean Up Policy:  retain
          End Time:            2020-05-12T05:52:00Z
          Included Days:       Mon,Tue,Wed
          Instance Count:      2
          Min Chaos Interval:  2m
          Start Time:          2020-05-12T05:47:00Z
      Schedule State:        active
        API Version:       litmuschaos.io/v1alpha1
        Kind:              ChaosEngine
        Name:              schedule-nginx
        Namespace:         default
        Resource Version:  899463
        UID:               14f49857-8879-4129-a5b9-a3a592149725
      Last Schedule Time:  2020-05-14T08:44:32Z
        Start Time:              2020-05-14T08:44:32Z
        Status:                  running
        Total Instances:         1
      Type    Reason            Age   From             Message
      ----    ------            ----  ----             -------
      Normal  SuccessfulCreate  39s   chaos-scheduler  Created engine schedule-nginx

How to halt the chaosschedule?

  • Edit the applied chaosschedule

    kubectl edit chaosschedule schedule-nginx
  • Change the state to halt

      scheduleState: halt

How to resume the chaosschedule?

  • Edit the applied chaosschedule

    kubectl edit chaosschedule schedule-nginx
  • Change the state to active

      scheduleState: active
  • If you face any probelem check the Troubleshooting Guide

Where are the docs?

They are available at litmus docs

How do I contribute?

The Chaos scheduler is in alpha stage and needs all the help you can provide! Please contribute by raising issues, improving the documentation, contributing to the core framework and tooling, etc.