
Connect-4 Agent

Primary LanguageJava

Connect-4 AI Agent

A full game with GUI with only one mode human vs. computer where we choose whether to use alpha-beta pruning or not in AI agent then play against the agent till the board is full. The game dimensions are as follows width = 7 and height = 6.


  • Game GUI
  • Supporting two algorithms for the AI agent:
    • Minimax without alpha-beta pruning
    • Minimax with alpha-beta pruning
  • Showing the minimax tree in each turn
  • Design a suitable heuristic function

Heuristic assumption

The strategy of calculating the heuristic in this problem was to put power to each cell in the game and return a value that represents if the red is in good condition +ve number of if the red is in bad possession -ve number.

If red are behind each other then they have more power also if red pieces have empty around its power will be more than the power of the red surrounded by yellow Pisces.

We will iterate column by column for all possible nonempty cells and if the cell is red for example we will check the cells near that cell if one of the near cells is red we will add to the number 15 and if it is empty we will add 10 but not possible to play in it for the next step we will give it 5.


In addition, we will add the scour difference multiplied by 642 so that we will give the scour more priority than the other heuristic.

State Representation

We represent the state in only one long number each column has 9 bits the first least significant bits are for the column's current length and the other 6 bits represent the column.

EX: The state is something like 101011101011010111001011101111010111110011101100010111001011101

Let’s extract the first column which is the first 9 least significant bits 001011 101 that means that this column has a length of 5 and the pieces in that column are { red, red, yellow, red, yellow } from bottom to peak.

So zeros represent yellow and ones represent red.

Used Algorithms

Minimax without pruning Pseudocode

value(state, nextAgent, curDepth):
    increment the expanded nodes
    if current depth > max depth:
        return heuristic + score difference
    if current state == terminal:
        return score difference
    if next agent == maximizer:
        return maxValue(state, curDepth)
        return minValue(state, curDepth)
maxValue(state, curDepth):
    initialize the score with -for successor in current state:
        utility = value(each successor, minimizer, curDepth+1)
        score = max(utility, score)
    return score
    initialize the score with +for successor in current state:
        utility = value(each successor, maximizer, curDepth+1)
        score = min(utility, score)
    return score

Sample Runs

  • without pruning with depth 2 image
  • With Alpha Beta pruning with depth 2 image


Without Pruning

Depth Expanded Nodes Time(seconds)
6 137180 0.29
7 959078 1.367
8 6710260 10.179
9 47050206 74.814

With Pruning

Depth Expanded Nodes Time(seconds)
6 13362 0.02
7 116302 0.18
8 158444 0.24
9 595694 0.9

