README: Graph Track Submission

ToDo before Submission

  1. Develop your instances and their example outputs
    • Examples are given in graph. Please replace those files with your submission.
    • (Check) your instances are written in ISR format?
    • (Check) your instance outputs are written in the output format?
  2. Clone this repository 2023graph-submission and edit it as your private repository. This repository contains a GitHub Actions and checks your files are fine or not everytime you push.
  3. Write your instance description as main.tex.
  4. The final state of your Github private repository is:
    • description/main.tex can be compiled using latexmk (You can check the compiled PDF via the Description in the Artifacts as shown below).


ToDo at the Submission

  1. please fill in and send your information through this Google form.
  2. submit your private Github repository by adding TakehideSoh and tom-tan as members.