
Heuristic Vizualization with Planimation Plugin

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Heuristic Vizualization with Planimation plugin

This folder contains the plugin for http://editor.planning.domains.

This plugin is depending on the Heuristic Vizualization plugin, and it enables the feature of visualizing the search tree node when it is clicked.


  • Visualising a search tree node when it is clicked.

How to use this plugin

  1. Go to http://editor.planning.domains
  2. Click "Plugins" button on the top menu and install the Heuristic Vizualization plugin
  3. Wait for the Heuristic Vizualization plugin is fully loaded
  4. Then install the Heuristic Vizualization with Planimation plugin
  5. Upload Domain, Problem, and Animation PDDL to build and animate the search tree

Any feedback, bug reports, comments, questions, or concerns can be sent to Nir Lipovetzky.