
Hi, this is just my portfolio website repo which I'm trying to rewrite in react with better coding practices..


  • use sass instead of css
  • Use Typescript instead of javascript (transpile to es5 but better if it uses es6 syntax)
  • adding code formatter, linters, prettify for pre commits (just following some software engineering norms)
  • Re-writing the whole code base in react-js
  • Use templates
  • create json file to store data (or protobuff -> Reminder: ditch the idea if the implementation is overly complicated )
  • Make the webstie responsive for both mobile(dont want to but ...) and web
  • Structure the file
  • Add a docker (not necessary), but hey its in mainstream!! people run
  • Fix the responsiveness on the icons added to the side bar

hello world code in docker nowadays..

Add when something new stuffs pop in mind ...