
A simple Space Invaders-like game I created as a final assignment for my programming class in school

Prebuilt binaries

The latest binaries can be found on my jenkins server.


To compile the game you need dotnet 3.1 installed, then you can run (substitute $OS with your operating system):

dotnet -r $OS -p:PublishReadyToRun=true

and then you can find your binary in bin/Debug/netcoreapp3.1/$OS/public/MyGame. The binary may end in .exe if it's targeted for windows.

Controls & Gameplay

Press Enter to start the game.

Press Esc to exit the game (this closes the window).

Arrow keys are used to control the direction of the ship.

Space is used to fire bullets.

The goal of the game is to shoot enemies until the boss spawns, the boss then proceeds to spawn in more enemies. After you shoot down the boss, you will progress to the next level where enemies are faster and the boss is faster and has more health, also requires more enemies to be killed to spawn. Power Ups in the form of coins will spawn between an interval of points gathered. These power ups will replenish your health (capped at 3) and awards points upon pick up. You lose health by letting enemies despawn at the bottom of the screen, or touching the boss and the enemies.


Start menu In-game