
Examples for using AI21's models through Amazon SageMaker

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Deploy AI21 Labs Language Models on AWS SageMaker

Examples for using Jurassic-2 models through Amazon SageMaker.


You can install the package using pip:

pip install -U "ai21[AWS]"

And then import the package:

import ai21


In order to use this library, you must configure your AWS credentials.

All set up? Make your first interaction with Jurassic-2:

response = ai21.Completion.execute(destination=ai21.SageMakerDestination("j2-ultra"),
                                   prompt="To be, or",

# not to be: that is the question

For more comprehensive quickstart guides, see:

Foundation models

Jurassic-2 Ultra

Jurassic-2 Mid Instruct

Jurassic-2 Light

Task-specific models

AI21 Summarize

AI21 Contextual Answers

AI21 Paraphrase

AI21 Grammatical Error Correction (GEC)

Learn more