💫 About Me:

🏭 Production Supervisor Role: Overseeing operations in battery assembly and screen printing.
🧠 Artificial Intelligence Learning: Acquired knowledge in Artificial Intelligence.
🐍 Strong Python Skills: Proficient in Python programming language.
🤖 Machine Learning Expertise: Specialized in machine learning techniques.
🚀 Career Growth: Achieved progress in both production management and tech skills.
🎓 Continuous Learning: Committed to ongoing education and skill development.
🌐 Versatility: Balancing expertise in manufacturing and technology domains.
🏆 Excellence: Striving for excellence in every aspect of professional development.
🌟 Innovation: Bringing innovative solutions to production processes.
🤝 Collaboration: Fostering teamwork and collaboration for success.

🌐 Socials:

[LinkedIn](https://linkedin.com/in/www.linkedin.com/in/ mani-kandan-8a7360259)

💻 Tech Stack:

Python Pandas NumPy mlflow Anaconda Pandas NumPy mlflow scikit-learn Scipy

📊 GitHub Stats:

🏆 GitHub Trophies