Weikang Yu1,2, Xiaokang Zhang3, Richard Gloaguen2, Xiao Xiang Zhu1, Pedram Ghamisi2,4
1 Technical University of Munich, 2 Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR), 3 Wuhan University of Science and Technology, 4 Lancaster University
Paper: IEEE TGRS 2024 (DOI: 10.1109/TGRS.2024.3491715)
Nov. 12, 2024
We have also released the full version of MineNetCD dataset to HZDR RODARE database, you can find more information here
Nov. 12, 2024
The codes of UCD has been released in the UCD repo here 🤗
Nov. 9, 2024
Our paper has been accepted on IEEE TGRS, and the code is released.
Monitoring land changes triggered by mining activities is crucial for industrial control, environmental management and regulatory compliance, yet it poses significant challenges due to the vast and often remote locations of mining sites. Remote sensing technologies have increasingly become indispensable to detect and analyze these changes over time. We thus introduce MineNetCD, a comprehensive benchmark designed for global mining change detection using remote sensing imagery. The benchmark comprises three key contributions. First, we establish a global mining change detection dataset featuring more than 70k paired patches of bitemporal high-resolution remote sensing images and pixel-level annotations from 100 mining sites worldwide. Second, we develop a novel baseline model based on a change-aware Fast Fourier Transform (ChangeFFT) module, which enhances various backbones by leveraging essential spectrum components within features in the frequency domain and capturing the channel-wise correlation of bitemporal feature differences to learn change-aware representations. Third, we construct a unified change detection (UCD) framework that currently integrates 20 change detection methods. This framework is designed for streamlined and efficient processing, utilizing the cloud platform hosted by HuggingFace. Extensive experiments have been conducted to demonstrate the superiority of the proposed baseline model compared with 19 state-of-the-art change detection approaches. Empirical studies on modularized backbones comprehensively confirm the efficacy of different representation learners on change detection. This benchmark represents significant advancements in the field of remote sensing and change detection, providing a robust resource for future research and applications in global mining monitoring. Dataset and Codes are available via the link.
- MineNetCD is a pioneering work introducing a mining change detection benchmark, including a global-scale mining change detection dataset, a ChangeFFT-based model, and a unified change detection framework.
- MineNetCD Dataset contains mining change detection samples collected from 100 sites globally.
- MineNetCD Model is built based on a Modularized Siamese Encoder, a ChangeFFT module, and a Change Decoder.
Create a conda environment for MineNetCD
conda create -n minenetcd
conda activate minenetcd
conda install pytorch torchvision pytorch-cuda=12.1 -c pytorch -c nvidia
pip install transformers
pip install accelerate
pip install datasets
git clone https://github.com/MzeroMiko/VMamba.git
cd VMamba
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd kernels/selective_scan && pip install .
Configurate the accelerate package:
accelerate config
accelerate launch train.py --batch-size 32 --learning-rate 5e-5 --epochs 100 --backbone-type Swin_Diff_T --push-to-hub False --channel-mixing True
Avalaible Backbone Types:
, Swin_Diff_S
, Swin_Diff_B
, VSSM_T_ST_Diff
, VSSM_S_ST_Diff
The model will be automatically saved under the path "./exp/minenetcd_upernet_backbone_type
Testing a model:
accelerate launch test.py --model $MODEL_ID$
can be the path of your trained model (e.g., "./exp/minenetcd_upernet_backbone_type
Reproducing our results:
We have uploaded our pretrained model weights to the Huggingface Hub, the MODEL_ID
is as follows:
For pretrained weights without ChangeFFT:
Swin Transformer:
For Pretrained weights with ChangeFFT:
Swin Transformer:
Here is an example pf reproducing the results of MineNetCD on VSSM-S-ST-Diff-Pretrained-ChannelMixing-Dropout
accelerate launch test.py --model ericyu/minenetcd-upernet-VSSM-S-ST-Diff-Pretrained-ChannelMixing-Dropout
Upload your model to Huggingface Hub
You can also push your model to Huggingface Hub by uncommenting and modifying the codeline in the test.py
if accelerator.is_local_main_process:
model = model.push_to_hub('minenetcd-upernet-VSSM-S-ST-Diff-Pretrained-ChannelMixing-Dropout')
If you find MineNetCD useful for your study, please kindly cite us:
author={Yu, Weikang and Zhang, Xiaokang and Gloaguen, Richard and Zhu, Xiao Xiang and Ghamisi, Pedram},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing},
title={MineNetCD: A Benchmark for Global Mining Change Detection on Remote Sensing Imagery},
keywords={Data mining;Remote sensing;Feature extraction;Benchmark testing;Earth;Transformers;Annotations;Graphical models;Distribution functions;Sustainable development;Mining change detection;remote sensing;benchmark;frequency domain learning;unified framework},
We will release the UCD codes soon! The codes will be released here.
We just added a very simple example as a tutorial for those who are interested in change detection, check here for more details.
This codebase is heavily borrowed from Transformers package.