This is a medical bot built using Llama2 and Sentence Transformers. The bot is powered by Langchain and Chainlit. The bot runs on a decent CPU machine with a minimum of 16GB of RAM.
- Akash6134
- alonkartin
- ameenoLondon, United Kingdom
- anindya2306
- atultiwari
- bessangel
- Cojinsky
- develtechmonKuching Sarawak
- dfsilvaSerpro - Serviço Federal de Processamento de Dados
- dishapatel010
- drgonzalomora
- felix0307
- guesshash
- gurusuraSura Systems Private Limited
- HuzaifaChaudaryLahore, Punjab, Pakistan
- iddar@Holowaychitos
- igaspariniBFH AHB
- jumpingShanghai, China
- lgh0504
- lukeslpOne Impossible Thing at a Time
- m4ttgitUniversity of Technology Malaysia
- ms640
- myownipgit
- namanUIUC@FlyrInc
- OctAg0nOoctagono
- ppkliu
- quantchang
- rados10
- RPerez60
- SBIA-Younes
- shruti51Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
- singharyanJaipur, India
- skuma307
- tonywhite11