
ransomware example (just for education)

Primary LanguagePython



These repository is only for informational and educational purpose. These repository is only for those who’re willing and curious to know and learn about security.I will not be responsible for any action performed by any reader. If you planned to use the content for illegal purpose, please leave this repository immediately and fuck yourself.

what's butt-lock ?

It's an example of how a ransomware could work. In this particular case, butt-lock will encrypt all file on the hard disk (selectable / configurable as param) with a random generated aes-cbc key. Before the encryption process starts, butt-lock will also create a rsa public and private key with a length of 4096 and reads your mac address. The aes-key itselfs will be encrypted with the generated public key, after that the public key will be deleted. The "output" after the encryption process is finished, is the base64 encoded rsa-oaep encrypted aes-cbc key, the mac-address and the private key (that's the important information, without a private key you are not able to decrypt the aes key).

You could send the butt-lock output object to you by email, twitter or whatever you prefer and... ;-). But remember, it's only for education. DON'T DO IT!

Example output with format [encrypted_aes_key base64 encoded, mac address, private key base 64 encoded]


how to use it to encrypt files

Buttlock comes with a few command line options.

  • --mode (simply set mode to encrypt or decrypt) default is encrypt
  • --dir (input directory for encryption) just leave it empty if you are in decrypt mode
  • --recovery (path to the buttlock_recovery file) it will be generated if you run encryption
  • -- replace (just for encryption) if you wish that buttlock will create a encrypted copy of your file, simply add copy as argument (it also the default value). If you set replace as argument, buttlock will override all your files with the encrypted outpu. be careful!.

Example call to encrypt files and override

python3 main.py --mode=encrypt --dir ./temp --replace replace

This will encrypt all my files in temp directory and overrides the orginial files.

Buttlock will create a folder ./buttlock there you can find the recovery file that you need to decrypting your files. don't modify it.

Example call to encrypt files and create copy

python3 main.py --mode=encrypt --dir ./temp --replace copy

how to use it to decrypt files

Buttlock comes with a few command line options.

  • --mode (simply set mode to encrypt or decrypt) default is encrypt
  • --dir (input directory for encryption) just leave it empty if you are in decrypt mode
  • --recovery (path to the buttlock_recovery file) it will be generated if you run encryption
  • -- replace (just for encryption) if you wish that buttlock will create a encrypted copy of your file, simply add copy as argument (it also the default value). If you set replace as argument, buttlock will override all your files with the encrypted outpu. be careful!.

Example call to decrypt your files:

python3 main.py --mode=decrypt --dir ./temp --recovery ./buttlock/buttlock_recovery

This will decrypt all your files in ./temp. Important: You need the --recovery to decrypt the encrypted files.

dockerfile for direct testing

IMPORTANT: I have only tested the dockerfile on my mac.

Simply run the "builddocker.sh" script. It's create a docker container, starts the container and spawn you a shell where you can direct test butt-lock encryption and decryption.

There are to files with instructions:


or just simply watch into the dockerfile