
This repository includes codes for numerical cylinder flow control cases.

Low Reynolds (Re=100) cylinder flow control with rotary oscillations by DRL optimization algorithm

The folder rotaryRe100DRL contains a DRL agent based on the original OpenAI baselines implementation of the PPO algorithm.

The graphical abstract is available at

Building CFD environment and the control coupling codes

  • In order to run training before you have to download and build TFlows CFD solver here from the development_branch.

  • The solver Processor can be built with the follolwing command:

make MPI=yes FCOMP=mpif90.openmpi CGNS=no CGNS_MPI=openmpi DIR_CASE=<folder_with_the_agent>
  • Change the text inside the brackets with the folder name containing User_Mod folder coupling the Fortran code with the DLR agent. After successfull build create a symbolic link to the Processor binaries inside the DIR_CASE.

Running training

  • Run python module to start the agent
cd OpenAI-baselines-CustomEnvs
python -m
  • Training log with be written to a train_data subfolder with correspondong current models of the controllers

  • Use tensorboard for monitoring the training progress

Testing trained model

  • Use the follwing code to test a trained model
python -m --load_path=<absolute_path_to_the_trained_model>
  • Use pretrained model to see the control in action
python -m --load_path=<absolute_path>/cylindercontrol/rotaryRe100DRL/OpenAI-baselines-CustomEnvs/trained_models/VirtualEnv/20200622-190846_dns_re100_entropy0.01_3-cd-0.2cl_50long/checkpoints/00050

Other issues

  • Original python conda environment used for the project can be restored using environment.yml file, see directions here

  • Most of the training parametres can be modified in /CustomEnvs/ and /CustomEnvs/VirtualEnv/ files.