Javascripts that can be used as Bookmarklets for AIESEC's EXPA Platform.
How To Install
Step 1: Get a server
Step 2: Put the get_token folder on the server and make it accessible from the Web
Step 3: Change the user account information in get_token/get_token.php
Step 4: Test if it creates a token
Step 5: Change the link to this file in the bookmarklets
Step 7: Minify Bookmarklets you want to use on your server (e.g.
Step 8: Put Minified Bookmarklets you want to use on your server
Step 9: Adapt aiesecBookmarklet.js to direct to your server and remove the Bookmarklets you don't want to use
Step 10: Adapt aiesecBookmarkletDownloader.js to load aiesecBookmarklet.js from your server
Step 11: Create a Bookmark in your browser with minified content from aiesecBookmarkletDownloader.js
Step 12: ???
Step 13: PROFIT!!!
Point of Attention: Without an external database, you can only use the following bookmarklets on EXPA:
- v2_EXPA_add_finance (will add a new link to the linklist)
- v2_EXPA_analytics_raises (show raises in Analytics)
- v2_EXPA_analytics_signups (show signups and allows creation of graphical reports in Analytics)
- v2_EXPA_followUpTable (right now includes also stuff from external database but can easily be adapted)
- v2_EXPA_removePercentage (removes percentage in Analytics)
- v2_EXPA_showProgram (shows program interested in instead of program experience in in My EPs)