[ECCV2024] This is an official inference code of the paper "Glyph-ByT5: A Customized Text Encoder for Accurate Visual Text Rendering" and "Glyph-ByT5-v2: A Strong Aesthetic Baseline for Accurate Multilingual Visual Text Rendering""
Jupyter NotebookApache-2.0
- Absgirdhar
- amadeuzou
- boboyiyiBytedance
- CCpt5
- csf0429
- dushwe
- ecshoper
- Erika2098
- escalate007
- FrankluoxUESTC
- gradetwo
- hanquansanrenMickey Miao Miao House
- haofanwangCarnegie Mellon University
- huchenlei@Comfy-Org
- jiangds2018
- kedgelee
- kexul
- kunatoKUNANA AI
- kylezhangwei
- machengcheng2016CASIA & UCAS
- magicwang1111
- melohux
- metalwenlong
- mikeyimer
- Niuyaoy
- PkuRainBowSeniorResearcher@MicrosoftResearch
- RhizoNymphExploring the Rhizome
- robbinhanFunplus
- sdbdsFreelance
- tomatobobotUnited States
- tyxsspa
- Westis96Espoo
- xiaolxl111
- yifanpu001Tsinghua University
- Zanedname
- zzchust