
[ICLR 2023] This repository contains the official Pytorch implementation for the paper "Transformer-based model for symbolic regression via joint supervised learning"

Primary LanguagePython

T-JSL: Transformer-based model for symbolic regression via joint supervised learning


This repository contains the official Pytorch implementation for the paper "Transformer-based model for symbolic regression via joint supervised learning" [ICLR' 23].

Paper | ICLR 2023 | Python Versions

Getting started

  1. Install Anaconda and create a new environment

  2. Install the following packages:

  • Python >=3.6
  • numpy
  • sympy
  • torch >= 1.1
  • multiprocessing
  • pickle
  • h5py
  • pathlib
  • omegaconf
  • tqdm
  • gplearn
  • glob
  • json
  • functools
  • hydra
  • transformers

Getting datasets

First, if you want to change the defaults value, configure the dataset_configuration.json file:

    "max_len": 20,
    "operators": "add:10,mul:10,sub:5,div:5,sqrt:4,pow2:4,pow3:2,pow4:1,pow5:1,log:4,exp:4,sin:4,cos:4,tan:4",
    "max_ops": 5,
    "rewrite_functions": "",
    "variables": ["x_1", "x_2"],
    "eos_index": 1,
    "pad_index": 0

Generate expressions skeletons base

You can run this script to generate expressions skeletons:

python data_creation/dataset_creation.py --number_of_expressions NumberOfExpressions --no-debug #Replace NumberOfExpressions with the number of expressions you want to generate

Generate datasets with different numbers of expressions with different constants

Generate training set

Based on the first step, you can run add_points_to_json.py and set number_per_equation to the number of expressions with different constants. The dataset will be saved as a JSON file. Each sample in the file contains the data points, the skeleton, the first-order traversal list, and the expression itself.

Generate validation set

You can randomly select 1000 expression skeletons from the skeleton base, then assign different constants through running add_points_to_json.py and save it as a JSON file.

Generate SSDNC benchmark

Run following script to generate SSDNC benchmark:

python gen_SSDNC_benchmark.py

DDP Training

You can configure the config.yaml as you choose. If you only have singe GPU, you will need to comment out the DDP code in train_pytorch.py.

You can run the following script to train the model:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=4 train_pytorch.py


Our implementation is mainly refers to the following codebases. We gratefully thank the authors for their wonderful works.

SymbolicGPT, DSO, NeSymReS, gplearn, PointMLP

Citing this work

If you found our work useful and used code, please use the following citation:

  title={Transformer-based model for symbolic regression via joint supervised learning},
  author={Li, Wenqiang and Li, Weijun and Sun, Linjun and Wu, Min and Yu, Lina and Liu, Jingyi and Li, Yanjie and Tian, Songsong},
  booktitle={The Eleventh International Conference on Learning Representations},