
🎓 Hugo Academic Theme 创建一个学术网站. Easily create a beautiful academic résumé or educational website using Hugo, GitHub, and Netlify.

Primary LanguageTeXMIT LicenseMIT

Site Develop Guide


Install Hugo

  • For Windows
    1. github release中下载预编译程序(下载带有hugo_extended_xxx 的版本,这里使用hugo_extended_0.110.0_windows-amd64.zip);
    2. 下载zip并解压到本地,如C:\Program Files\Hugo,然后将路径添加到环境变量;
    3. 在命令行中执行hugo version可检查安装是否正确;

Install Go

Install hugo-academic-cli(Optional)

  • Function: Import publications from your reference manager to Hugo(Import publications from BibTex);
  • Installation: pip3 install academic==0.5.1;
  • Usage(To add a new publication):
    1. Add the BibTex record of the publication to publications.bib within the root directory of this repo;
    2. Use the cd command to navigate to your website folder(the root directory of this repo) in the terminal;
    3. Import your publications with: academic import --bibtex publications.bib;
    4. The generated output in the content/publication folder should be reviewed prior to publishing your site.

Contribute to the project

Two ways to contribute(Pick any one)

  • Be the collaborators of this project(please send your github ID to the administrator of this project).

    基于 dev 分支创建自己的开发分支 dev-yourname,在 dev-yourname 上开发完成后,推送 dev-yourname 分支并发起将该分支合并到 dev 分支的 Pull Request,等待管理员审核;

  • Fork this project.

    不用成为项目成员,直接对该项目进行"派生(Fork)"。修改推送到派生出的项目副本中,并通过创建拉取请求(Pull Request,简称 PR)来让改动进入源版本库。(参考文档)

    General process:

    1. 派生一个项目
    2. 从 dev 分支创建一个新分支
    3. 提交一些修改来改进项目
    4. 将这个分支推送到 GitHub 上
    5. 创建一个拉取请求
    6. 讨论,根据实际情况继续修改
    7. 项目的拥有者合并或关闭你的拉取请求
    8. 将更新后的 dev 分支同步到你的派生中


  • 开启本地测试服务器

    • 代码库根目录下开启终端并输入hugo server来启动测试服务器,@http://localhost:1313
    • hugo server会自动侦测源文件变动自动刷新页面
  • 网页个性化配置

    • 参考官方文档.
    • Hugo site structure

      There are 3 main folders for Hugo sites:

      • content/ for your Markdown-formatted content files (homepage, etc.)
      • assets/media/ for your media files (images, videos)
      • config/_default/ for your site configuration files
        • config.yaml to configure Hugo (site title, URL, Hugo options, enable page features)
        • params.yaml to configure Wowchemy options (SEO, site features)
        • menus.yaml to configure your menu links (if the menu is enabled in params.yaml)
        • languages.yaml to configure your site’s language or to set language-specific options in a multilingual site
  • Create an author profile(Guide)

    • Add a new author profile in command line:

      hugo new content/authors/firstname-lastname

    • Then edit the newly created file at content/authors/firstname-lastname/_index.md

    • Upload a square photo for the user to the new authors/firstname-lastname/ folder and name it avatar.

  • Create a publication(Guide)

    • Import from BibTeX(适合批量添加)
      1. Add the BibTex record of the publication to publications.bib within the root directory of this repo;
      2. Use the cd command to navigate to your website folder(the root directory of this repo) in the terminal;
      3. Import your publications with: academic import --bibtex publications.bib;
      4. The generated output in the content/publication folder should be reviewed prior to publishing your site. You can complete the information of the publication in index.md by referring to content/publication/conference-paper/index.md;
      5. Add an image named featured.*(e.g. featured.jpg) into the publication folder as the cover image.
    • Command line

      Alternatively, publications can be manually created using the command:

      hugo new content/publication/<my-publication>

      where <my-publication> is the name of your publication, using hyphens (-) instead of spaces.

  • Create a blog post(Guide)

  • 网页部署

    • This site is deployed with Netlify

      Netlify is free and provides ultra-fast global access, automated deployment when you add content, and automatic HTTPS security.

    • When the main branch has a new commit and pushed, the site will be deployed automatically.
    • The domain of this site is air-dream.netlify.app.


The Hugo Academic CV Template empowers you to easily create your job-winning online resumé, showcase your academic publications, and create online courses or knowledge bases to grow your audience.

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Trusted by 250,000+ researchers, educators, and students. Highly customizable via the integrated no-code, Hugo Blox Builder, making every site truly personalized ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Easily write technical content with plain text Markdown, LaTeX math, diagrams, RMarkdown, or Jupyter, and import publications from BibTeX.

Check out the latest demo of what you'll get in less than 10 minutes, or get inspired by our academics and research groups.

The integrated Hugo Blox Builder and CMS makes it easy to create a beautiful website for free. Edit your site in the CMS (or your favorite editor), generate it with Hugo, and deploy with GitHub or Netlify. Customize anything on your site with widgets, light/dark themes, and language packs.

We ask you, humbly, to support this open source movement

Today we ask you to defend the open source independence of the Hugo Blox Builder and themes 🐧

We're an open source movement that depends on your support to stay online and thriving, but 99.9% of our creators don't give; they simply look the other way.

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