Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

This repository contains datasets, model code and notebooks used for all experiments in the PROSTATA: Protein Stability Assessment using Transformers paper.


  • DATA contains the datasets used for PROSTATA training and testing in the format used by the datasets authors. Also the dataset introduced in this article is available here.
  • DATASETS contains the same datasets converted to a format used for model training.
  • PDB contains the PDB files downloaded during conversion.
  • ACDC_FOLDS - converted acdc-nn train folds from here and PROSTATA test results on Ssym and Ssym_r folds from here.


  • 00.generate_datasets.ipynb - Process the DATA directory and generate the DATASETS directory.
  • 01.add_megadataset_and_split_on_train_test_sets.ipynb Expand dataset with megadatasets data. Split on train and test sets. Generate PROSTATA_EXPERIMENTS directory.
  • 02.test_models_by_folds.ipynb - Test each individual model in the ensemble using 5-fold cross validation
  • 03.test_models_on_other_datasets_ensemble.ipynb - test the PROSTATA ensemble on various combinations of train and test datasets. test_*_with_predictions.csv containts tests set with prediction (pred_ddg) column.
  • 04.train_final_ensemble.ipynb - train the ensemble on all data for the online tool.
  • PROSTATA_tool.ipynb - Colab notebook for PROSTATA. Predict DDG Values for single mutation on a user sequence.

Other files

  • environment.yml - conda environment.
  • PROSTATA_experiments_pearson.log - Logs of experiments run by 03.test_models_on_other_datasets_ensemble.ipynb notebook.
  • LICENSE - Apache License 2.0
  • Readme.MD - This file