
Doctest as alternative

AlexReimann opened this issue · 3 comments

this is not really an issue, but rather a quick discussion question:

While searching for examples of your usage of catch_ros I found that you switched to using doctest for one of your repos:

Why did you switch and would you rather recommend using doctest instead of catch2?

I'm trying to settle for a testing framework for a larger project

Okay, I found this:

Still I'd like your view on the topic if you have time

xqms commented

Hey, I personally really like doctest, since it brings compilation times down by a large amount. Still, for ROS projects I tend to stick to catch_ros, since it has all the wrappers & CMake support that makes it easy to use together with rostest.
So maybe we need a doctest_ros package ;)

Okay, thank you for the answer.
I'll probably stick to catch for the time being as migrating to doctest later seems also not to be too hard (if compile times become an issue)