

NotesComposeApp is a simple Android application built using Jetpack Compose and Room database. It allows users to create, view, and delete notes.


  1. Note Screen: Upon launching the app, users are presented with a list of notes. They can view existing notes, delete notes, or add new notes.

  2. Adding a Note: Users can tap on the floating action button (+) to navigate to the Add Note screen. Here, they can enter a title and description for the new note and save it by tapping the checkmark icon.

  3. Viewing a Note: Each note is displayed with its title and description on the Note Screen. Users can tap on a note to view its details.

  4. Deleting a Note: Users can delete a note by tapping the delete icon next to the note on the Note Screen.

  5. Sorting Notes: Users can sort notes either by title or by date added. Tapping on the sort icon on the top right of the Note Screen toggles between the sorting options.


Note Screen

Note Screen

Add Note Screen

Add Note Screen

Room Database

Room Database


Data Layer

  • Note: Data class representing a single note with properties like id, title, description, and date added.
  • NoteDao: Data Access Object (DAO) interface defining database operations like inserting, deleting, and querying notes.
  • NoteDatabase: Room database class containing a DAO instance.

Presentation Layer

  • NoteState: Data class representing the state of the Note Screen, including the list of notes and the currently entered title and description for adding a new note.
  • NoteViewModel: ViewModel class responsible for handling business logic and managing the UI state.
  • NoteScreen: Composable function for displaying the Note Screen, including the list of notes and the floating action button for adding a new note.
  • AddNoteScreen: Composable function for displaying the Add Note Screen, including text fields for entering a new note's title and description.
  • NoteItem: Composable function for displaying an individual note item, including its title, description, and delete button.


  • Initializes the Room database instance.
  • Creates and observes the ViewModel's state using Jetpack Compose's collectAsState.
  • Sets up navigation using Jetpack Compose's NavHost and composable functions.

Technologies Used

  • Jetpack Compose: Modern Android UI toolkit for building native UIs.
  • Room Database: Persistence library providing an abstraction layer over SQLite.
  • Kotlin Coroutines: For asynchronous programming and managing background tasks.