
C#-injectable imperative script language

Primary LanguageC#


.NET script programming language.

For more information about language: slt-lang.github.io

Powerful REPL with useful commands



SLThree may be runned in any .NET language. Minimal version for .NET Framework is 4.7.1, for .NET Standard is 2.1.

Here code example for C#:

using System;
using SLThree;
using SLThree.Embedding;

namespace TestSLThree
    public class Program
        public class TC
            public int x, y;
            public Method sum;
            public object Sum() => sum.Invoke(x, y);

        public class TC2
            public Func<int, int, int> sum2;

        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Context.ReturnedValue method
            Console.WriteLine("return 2 + 2 * 2;".RunScript().ReturnedValue);

            //Uwrapping method
            var tc = "x = 3; y = 5; sum = (a, b) => a + b;".RunScript().Unwrap<TC>();

            //[Experimental] Compilation:
            var tc2 = "sum2 = (new using jit).opt(sum2 = (i32 x, i32 y): i32 => x + y, self).CreateDelegate(@System.Func<i32, i32, i32>);".RunScript().Unwrap<TC2>();
            Console.WriteLine(tc2.sum2(35, 65));

LANG and REPL compatibility

Starting from language version 0.8.0, REPL no longer supports multiple versions at once and is built for each language update.

REPL version LANG version
2.0.0 0.7.0
1.* 0.2.0 — 0.6.0

