
The graded assessment will help you to establish which topics you have mastered, and which topics require further focus before you can complete the course..

Primary LanguageCSS

# Course Portfolio Project: Mangata and Gallo Website

Mangata & Gallo

## Overview

This portfolio project demonstrates my ability to create a visually appealing and user-friendly website for a fictional client, Mangata and Gallo, a jewelry store specializing in special occasions. It showcases my skills in:

  • Client Selection and Understanding: I thoughtfully selected a client with a clear brand identity and target audience.
  • Layout and Element Positioning: I strategically designed a layout that effectively showcases Mangata and Gallo's jewelry and enhances the user experience.
  • User Experience (UX) Planning: I carefully considered user needs and expectations to create an intuitive and engaging website.
  • Theme Creation: I developed a visually appealing and cohesive theme that aligns with Mangata and Gallo's brand.
  • Development Environment Setup: I successfully set up my local development environment to efficiently build the website.

## Purpose

This project serves two primary purposes:

  1. Assess Mastery of Topics: It allows me to demonstrate my comprehension of key web development concepts covered in the course.
  2. Expand Portfolio: It provides a tangible example of my web development skills, strengthening my portfolio for future career opportunities.

## Fictional Client

Mangata and Gallo

  • Specialty: Engagement, wedding, and anniversary jewelry
  • Business Model: Primarily online with a small storefront in Austin, Texas
  • Brand: High-quality, classic jewelry designs
  • Owner: Mariana, a locally renowned jewelry designer

## Key Features

  • Visually Appealing Design: The website captures the elegance and sophistication of Mangata and Gallo's jewelry through a refined aesthetic.
  • User-Friendly Navigation: The website is intuitive to navigate, guiding users effortlessly to their desired sections.
  • Clear Product Information: Product pages provide detailed descriptions, high-quality images, and seamless purchasing options.
  • Responsive Design: The website adapts seamlessly to different screen sizes, ensuring optimal viewing experiences across devices.

## Technologies Used

  • HTML: Structure and content of the web pages
  • CSS: Styling and visual design
  • Additional technologies :
    • Version control systems (e.g., Git)
    • Hosting platforms (e.g., Netlify)

## Project Setup

  1. Clone or download this repository.
  2. Install required dependencies (if any).
  3. Run a local development server.

## Viewing the Website

Access the website at http://localhost:<port_number> (replace <port_number> with the appropriate port). Or enable live server in IDE

## Additional Information

  • Project Status: Completed
  • Collaboration: Individual project
  • Links to Live Demo or External Resources: Mangata & Gallo Website