. Making Subprocess of Main Server which takes the Text File which Contains the HTTPS link for csv data.
. Second After that it Goes to Internal Server where it is sending the Text.txt File to each Individual process to Process the data and give desired output.
. After Getting Desired Output it is Launching the Website "index.html" which shows the output in well structured manner.
. It Sends the Text File to Main Server Through Dynamic Port. . The Text File Contains the Https link of CSV data-collection.
. Recieves Images From Image Client from Each Process.
. Sending the Text.txt File to Each Individual Process
. Run the Process Individually it will Process the Data and Form a Graphical Image of that Data. . It also Calls a Subprocess "img_client.py" which sends the Image to "img_server.py".
. It Comes back to Main Process. . And Lauches the Website.