

Health ID is an inventory management and customer engagement software platform designed for pharmacists/chemists and their customers. For pharmacists/chemists, Health ID helps them run their stores more efficiently and grow their business by improved targeting of promotions and value-added services. For consumers, Health ID improves their overall experience of pharmacies, provides personalised services and information, and also offers unique product discounts.

API documemation links

Graphql API Documentation

Django API Documentation


    $ git clone
    $ cd healthid-web-api
    $ pip install virtualenv
    $ virtualenv --python=python3 venv
    $ source venv/bin/activate
    $ git checkout dev
  • Install binary dependencies for the project for macOS.
    $ brew install cairo pango gdk-pixbuf libffi
  • If you are running Linux or another Operating System refer to this link

  • Create a .env file and copy/paste the environment variables from the .env_example file that's already existent in the root project directory.

  • Run the following commands to install Python dependecies as well as generate staticfiles.

    $ pip install -r requirements.txt
    $ python collectstatic
  • Create a postgreSQL database called healthid using the default postgres user and change the value of variable DB_PASSWORD in your .env file to your postgres user's password.
  • Run the following commands to make the database migrations.
    $ python makemigrations
    $ python migrate

Running the application

Run the command below to run the application locally.

  $ python runserver

Running the tests

Run the command below to run the tests for the application.

  $ python test


The application's deployment is still pending for the backend APIs. Details will be filled here as soon as it is ready.

Built With

The project has been built with the following technologies so far:

  • Django - web framework for building websites using Python
  • GraphQL - query language for our APIs.
  • Virtual environment - tool used to create isolated python environments
  • pip - package installer for Python
  • PostgreSQL - database management system used to persists the application's data.