Covid Surgical Modelling paper

This is the code for our paper:

Resource requirements for reintroducing elective surgery in England during the COVID-19 pandemic: a modelling study

It includes:

  • main_run.R - core analysis, table generation and plots

  • opcs_grouping.csv includes the definition of surgery and associated procedure categorisations

  • R folder:

    • library.R - dependencies
    • MAR_data_load_clean.R - code to load Monthly activity returns data from NHS England
    • model_funs.R - functions for modelling, automated HES download, cleaning, assorted functions
    • proportions_table.R - generate table to weight resources by OPCS codes
    • resource_model.R - functions to calculate resources

    Please note that you need to manually run the first few lines of main_run.R as this has some manual inputs required during data cleaning steps