
Simple serial tool for basic operations (send text, file or AT command)

Primary LanguageCApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Serial Tool

Simple serial tool for basic operations with serial port (send text, file or AT command, read answer with timeout).

Program uses 8 data bits mode, 1 stop bit, no parity, no flow control.


./serial_tool port speed wait_answer_in_sec mode mode_parameters


  • port - must be serial port file path, such as /dev/ttyS1, for example
  • speed - serial port baud rate, for example 115200
  • wait_answer_in_sec - time to wait answer until program closing, for example 10 for 10 seconds wait
  • mode - mode flag (see Supported modes for additional info), for example -text
  • mode_parameters - mode parameters (see required mode section for additional info), for example Hello

Usage example

./serial_tool "/dev/ttyS1" 115200 10 -text Hello

Supported modes

AT commands mode

Sends all next parameters to serial port with adding to all of it \n\r pair of symbols (carrier return & newline symbols), parameter by parameter

Send file mode

Understands all next parameters as file paths and sends all file content to serial port, file by file. !!!ATTENTION!!! Please, don't send big files (more that 50 MBytes) over serial port with the help of this program. It sends all file at one moment (by one send function call), not in byte by byte mode.

Send text mode

Sends all next parameters to serial port without changing, parameter by parameter

Error list

Some errors generate by system functions. Program returns errno in that cases. Other errors description (you can see inc/err.h for new errors):

Error code Variable name Error description
0 err_no No errors (all is good)
1 err_yes Some error was generated (unknown error)
2 err_not_implemented This feature is not implemented yet
3 err_few_args Program needs more command-line arguments to start working
4 err_unknown_mode Unknown supported mode (or mode is not supported yet)