
Cross frequency coupling toolbox in MatLab

Primary LanguageMatlab


Cross frequency coupling toolbox in MatLab

Getting started

Add the top directly to your matlab path, note that you do not need to use genpath or add any subdirectories by hand


You can then access the functions within the toolbox within a cfc struct. For instance

cfc.example         % A set of example analyses using simulated data
cfc.simulate        % A function to generate simulated data
cfc.estimate_cfc    % The main function for estimating cross frequency coupling

Many analyses will require you to define a cfg struct to specify the parameters of the analysis. For instance to estimate Canolty's Modulation Index and the Phase Locking Value between 10 and 70Hz in a time series and compute 250 null permutations, you would define:

cfc_cfg = struct('sr',      sample_rate,...
    'lo_freq',              10,...
    'lo_bandwidth',         2,...
    'hi_freq',              70,...
    'hi_bandwidth',         20,...
    'metrics',               {{'MI','PLV'}},...
    'nperms',               250);

This cfg can then be pass with a time series to cfc.estimate_cfc to perform the computation.

cfc_results = cfc.estimate_cfc( signal,cfc_cfg );

Similarly, the whole comodulogram can be computed and plotted with:

cmg_cfg = struct('sr',      sample_rate,...
    'lo_bounds',           [6 20],...
    'lo_bandwidth',        2,...
    'lo_step',             2,...
    'hi_bounds',           [20 150],...
    'hi_bandwidth',        'adaptive',...
    'hi_step',             10,...
    'metrics',             {{'MI'}});

cmg = cfc.estimate_comodulogram( signal,cmg_cfg );

There are examples of these and many more analyses in cfc.example using a simulated dataset, you can view and run through these examples by viewing the example script

edit cfc.example