
Primary LanguagePython

Welcome to Birds





After forking to your github:

  • Clone down to your machine
  • git remote -v to check remote connections
  • git remote add link 'link' should be the primary repo that you forked(in this case my repo).
  • git remote -v again to verify upstream connection
  • now you may git pull upstream master, to get the latest version of the master project
  • Create a postgresql database called hsh
  • Perform migrations:
    • python3 manage.py makemigrations
    • python3 manage.py migrate
  • Start the server:
    • python3 manage.py runserver

Create code for the project

  • Remember to work on a different branch then your main
  • When you are ready to push, push to the branch you are working on
  • Then go to github and do a pull request from your branch to your master branch
  • If that goes well see below

When you are ready to create pull request:

  • Push to your github
  • Login to your github and create a pull request from your develpment branch to your master branch
  • After that create a pull request from your master branch to my test branch
  • Send me a text and I will accept your pull request and if the app still works, I will create a pull request from test to master and accept it
  • Then I will send a message out, so everyone can pull from the master(git pull upstream master)
  • When you are ready to pull down from the master, make sure you are on your master branch first then git pull upstream master.
  • Now your local master will be current, but not your development branch or your github master
  • Still in your master branch, git add, git commit, git commit. This will get your github master current with the project master.
  • At this point I would push your development branch to github and then go to github and create a pull request to your github master. Resolve any conflicts and now you can continue developing.