CLI based Crunchyroll Account Checker written in python withour installing external packages.
- 1
Not Working
#22 opened by El7ANAFY-1337 - 1
- 5
- 1
Making it work for termux (Google Cloud Shell)
#19 opened by Define2 - 3
i can't use it with proxy
#17 opened by Zackenx - 15
Error trying to start main.py
#18 opened by Certiax - 7
Giving type-error
#16 opened by Koneron - 2
Not working anymore
#15 opened by BlazeeAaditya - 1
#13 opened by Huzaifa1122334 - 5
Proxy file
#12 opened by Huzaifa1122334 - 4
406 error why?
#10 opened by cheemzboi - 7
Entering file name or path issue
#11 opened by Huzaifa1122334 - 1
- 5
- 1
Put subscription capturer please
#7 opened by SoyJuandaFox777 - 1
- 2
#4 opened by Downwrghty - 1
- 3
the checker is working perfectly.. can you add some details if it finds a hit ( working account with subscription)
#2 opened by AmineZCS - 1
#1 opened by myselfloaders