
[Fun app] An Elderly Indoor Care Chatbot (YOLO + OpenAI Chat)

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

An Elderly Indoor Care Chatbot (OpenVINO optimised YOLOv8 + OpenAI Chat API with functions)

This is a fun application of OpenVINO and OpenAI Chatbot API. (In more simple words a YOLO-Chat or chat with current scene)


Some interesting capabilities of the chatbot:

  • When asked about objects in the sorrounding, it can detect and answer questions about the objects.
  • Currently, it can detect 80 different objects. (According to the COCO dataset)
  • Uses a YOLOv8 model that is optimised using OpenVINO to run on CPU.
  • Uses the functions capablities of OpenAI Chat API to trigger actions like finding nearby objects.
  • Implemented a pixel to meter estimation method that uses a range of real world scales of all 80 objects. Checkout the functions calculate_center_and_scale, calculate_distance_matrix, and draw_results at utils/postProcess.py and for the rough real world scale of 80 objects checkout the coco_real_world_sizes variable in utils/objectDetect.py. (IMP - Most time spent here to find a way to get real world estimates, current accuracy is kinda bad. We use a map of real world estimates (unit:meter) of all 80 objects and did some scaling to find the distances of objects close and far from the camera)

How it works?

  • The chatbot is initialised with a YOLOv8 model that is optimised using OpenVINO to run on CPU.
  • The following is the system prompt that drives the GPT behaviour:
    You are an elderly care assistant.
    You have to help and guide the elderly in their daily life whenever they need it.
    You are are bot connected to a YOLO Camera.
    So you will have capablities to call functions to interact with the environment.
  • When the users asks something like "Can I walk without bumping into anything?", the chatbot will do the following:
    • First collect all the frame data from a specified amount of time. (Refer text_eventhandler in main.ipynb. The run_object_detection calls draw_results which returns a matrix of distances between all objects in all the frames of the specified amount of time.)
    • Then pass the extracted data is passed to the helper function, in our case it will be is_pathway_clear in main.ipynb which will quickly check if the all_detected_objects is empty or not. Whatever the case maybe be it will return a string.
    • This string is then passed to the chat api to generate a meaningful response.

How can this be used?

  • This can be implemented as a plugin for smart home assistants.
  • The elderly can ask questions like "Can I walk without bumping into anything?" or "Find my xyz object!" or "is the chair close?" and the chatbot will answer accordingly.

How can this project be extended? (Since this is just an experimental project, we can extend it in the following ways)

  • It runs of a notebook, this can be easily adapted to run on a smaller IoT device like a Raspberry Pi with connected camera and a microphone for user interactions.
  • Should be trained with a lerger indoor objects dataset to be more accurate.
  • We can add more useful functions like "check if anyone's at the door", "find my daughter" and so on. (When it comes to care of the elderly, the possibilities are endless.)

How to run

  1. Install the requirements:
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Create the optimized model by running the notebook cells at prepareModel.ipynb to convert the model to OpenVINO format. (IMPORTANT)
  3. Run the cells at main.ipynb to start the chatbot and interact with it.

Note: Demo won't work without creating the optimized model.

Project file structure

  • utils/ - Contains all the helper functions.
    • objectDetect.py - Contains all the functions related to object detection.
      • coco_real_world_sizes A map of real world estimates (unit:meter) of all 80 objects from COCO dataset.
      • run_object_detection - Runs the object detection model on the input frame.
    • postProcess.py - Contains all the functions related to post processing of the object detection results.
      • draw_results - Draws the bounding boxes and calculates the distances between all objects in all the frames of the specified amount of time.
      • calculate_distance_matrix - Calculates the distance matrix between all objects in the frame.
      • calculate_center_and_scale - Calculates the center and scale of the object in the frame.
    • videoPlayer.py - Contains all the functions related to video playback.
    • downloader.py - Contains all the functions related to downloading files.
  • prepareModel.ipynb - Converts the model to OpenVINO format.
  • main.ipynb - Starts the chatbot and interacts with it. (As shown in the demo images below.)

Demo (CPU)

Live interaction with the scene using the chatbot. (Left - Chatbot, Right - Camera feed. Notebook split to show the camera feed which outputs the live frames a cell above the chatbot cell.) demo1 demo2 demo3

OpenVINO Optimized YOLOv8 Model running on a CPU demo4