PanSim is a distributed pandemic simulator.
- Step 1: Clone PanSim repository
$ cd ~
$ git clone
$ cd pansim
To create a new virtual environment with conda, have Anaconda/Miniconda setup on your system. Installation instructions for Miniconda can be found at After installation of Anaconda/Miniconda execute the following commands:
$ conda env create -f environment.yml
The above command creates a new conda environment called pansim
PanSim can be installed using pip.
$ conda activate pansim
$ pip install -U -e .
Executing the following command to figure if installation was successful.
$ pansim --help
To run the simple tests using the serial and parallel version do the following.
$ cd tests
$ ./
$ ./
$ mvn -U clean compile assembly:single
$ cd tests
$ ./
$ ./
This is caused by differing versions of gcc/stdlib in conda compared to on the host system. Try the following set of commands:
$ conda activate pansim
$ cd $CONDA_PREFIX/lib
$ mv (pansi
$ ln -s /usr/lib64/
$ cd ~/pansim
$ pip install -U -e .
$ pansim --help
More details can be found at: