
Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

AltaPay for PrestaShop

Code Analysis

Prerequisites: These are the steps that must be followed before running any of the codeanalysis tools.

  1. Download PrestaShop source code from https://download.prestashop.com/download/releases/prestashop_1.7.6.4.zip and extract it.

  2. Then, clone this repository into PrestaShop's 'modules' folder.

  3. Afterwards, run the following commands

    composer install

    composer isolate

    composer dump -o

Now, we can use our code analysis tools.

PhpStan is being used for running static code analysis. It's configuration file 'phpstan.neon' is available in this repository. To run it follow the instructions given below.

  • Run command _PS_ROOT_DIR_=../../ php vendor/phpstan/phpstan/phpstan.phar --configuration=phpstan.neon analyse ./
    It'll print out any errors detected by PHPStan. Note: PS_ROOT_DIR should point to prestashop root directory. And, path at the end of command denotes the path of directory, in this case our repository/plugin, where we need to run phpstan.

Next, Php-CS-Fixer is being used for fixing php coding standard relared issues. It's config file .php_cs.dist is also available in this repository.

  1. To visualize the issues reported by Php-CS-Fixer, before actually fixing them, use command php vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix --dry-run --diff and it'll print out any issues detected.

  2. Then, you can fix these which issues by running command 'php vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix'

How to run cypress tests


  • PrestaShop 1.6 should be installed with the default theme on publically accessible URL
  • Cypress should be installed


  • Install dependencies npm i
  • Update "cypress/fixtures/config.json"
  • Execute ./node_modules/.bin/cypress run in the terminal to run all the tests