
For my homeworks during AKBANK-Patika-FullStack-Bootcamp

Primary LanguageC#


For my homeworks during AKBANK-Patika-FullStack-Bootcamp.

I keep every week's readme in the week's file, and there i explain my code.

Akbank bootcamp course schedule

Weeks Tasks Solutions
1 Create manuel RESTful Web API RESTFUL Web API is created.CRUD operations are completed. See students' web API Github Repo
2 Send requests via Postman to the API and provide screenshots. See Postman Screenshots
3 Create a Database for Web API project, create tables and insert data. StudentsDB is created and students' data inserted. See screenshots and more details
4 Create StudentContext for CRUD operations based on Models and connect to SQL Server. Solid solid principles StudentContext & StudentDbOperations & Solid principles
5 Create Token for Authorization to request data from Web API and add paging to the project See more details
6 ES6 Fuutres, Array Prototypes, Array Destructuring, Object Destructuring Examples we did in the lesson here
7 Create React App, JSX, Component Structure, Props, State, Conditional Render Examples we did in the lesson here
8 Forms in React, React Router, Working with links