Hilal_Yavuz Bitirme Projesi

Site Management System

  • In this project, I designed a system in which the administrator can track invoices and dues, and users/site residents can view and pay their invoices and send messages to the administrator within a site.
  • I made the backend of my project based on the simple homework 1 I made at the beginning of the course.
  • I used React JS in the frontend and .NET Core in the backend. There are 2 basic Web Api's on the back: the first one is named 'homework 1' and where I perform all the CRUD and other operations except the payment transaction and uses MSSQL as a db. The other one is the API that I call 'payment', which only pulls credit card and balance information from MongoDB and updates the balance information after payment.
  • Because of I have 2 Web API at the back, before start to run project this adjusment should made: from 'Properties' choose multiple startup projects and choose homework1 and payment.

These are the Screenshots of my system:

Sign In Page image

Admin Page - Get All User Page image

Admin Page - Get All User Page - Update User Informations image

Admin Page - Assign an Invoice to Specific User Page image

Admin Page - Add User Page image

Admin Page - Get All Apartments image

Admin Page - Update Apartment image

Admin Page - Add Apartment image

Admin Page - Get All Messages image

Admin Page - Add Response to Message image

Admin Page - Get All Invoices image

Admin Page - Batch Invoice Assignment Before image After image

User Page - Get My Invoice List image User Page - Pay Invoice image User Page - After Payment image User Page - Get My Message List image User Page - Send Message to Admin image

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