
Primary LanguageDockerfile

Local Web Server For Developers

It is a simple Nginx proxy manager + php-fpm + mysql + phpmyadmin web server

Example Project

Prepare example project

cd ./example/docker/

echo "    my.example.ru" >> /etc/hosts # Add domain IP address into /etc/hosts file
echo "    my.example.com" >> /etc/hosts # Add domain IP address into /etc/hosts file

echo "NGINX_PORT=8080" > .env # Add port settings into .env file

Run example project

cd ./example/docker/

docker-compose up -d
curl -k "http://my.example.ru:8080/"

Run web server

docker-compose up -d

Then open http://localhost:81/

Email:    admin@example.com
Password: changeme

Add new proxy host

Domain Name:           my.example.ru my.example.com
Scheme:                http
Forward Hostname / IP: host.docker.internal
Forward Port:          8080

SSL Certificate

Please read the file README.md in the ssl folder.

If an SSL certificate is required, under SSL Certificates section select Add SSL Certificate and add a custom certificate.

Name:                     my-example-ru
Certificate Key:          ./ssl/example/example.key
Certificate:              ./ssl/example/example.crt
Intermediate Certificate: ./ssl/example/root_ca.pem
  • Go to Proxy Hosts section and edit my.example.ru.
  • Go to SSL section and select your custom certificate
  • After save and run example project, you can check it https://my.example.ru/ or in terminal curl "https://my.example.ru/"

Reconfigure php-fpm or nginx

Make changes into each folder and then run ./build_docker_php_fpm.sh file