A bot, written in Go, to help discord servers efficiently, neatly, and quickly access and set up nests to share with their users.
- Install GoLang: https://golang.org/doc/install
- Create a folder wherever you plan on running the bot, and download the files into that folder.
- Configure your $GOPATH - Do this in the folder you install the file
- If you're having trouble installing, please look up the issue on Stackoverflow.
- Next, install DiscordGO by running this in terminal: go get github.com/bwmarrin/discordgo
- There's a few things you will have to edit inside nestBuddy.go
- First, get your discord bots token and replace "Bot Token Here" with your bots token, under the main function.
- Next, create a channel where the bot will be posting the nests, and copy it's ID under the //CONFIG comment.
- Next, a list of admins must be added to be able to use the migrate function. Use the template below to follow format.
- var admins = []string{"Admin ID 1", "Admin ID 2", "etc"}
- Finally, you will need to add your area's nests so the bot can grab locations.
- Note: Lat and lon MUST NOT have a space in between them & names should be lowercase.
- Please edit this portion as shown below:
var nestLocations = map[string]string{
"park of dragons":"43.00009,-121.744121",
"lake of elves":"43.152435,-121.260806",
- Robert Khousadian
- If you'd like to buy me a coffee: https://paypal.me/rkhous
- If you have questions or a problem, join my discord or open an issue: https://discord.gg/CwqbHt5