Raspberry pi relay with Socat listening.
This is a project to allow remote trigger from Zabbix monitoring server to send messages to remote PI2 driving Red/Yellow/Green tower light via Relay Hat V1.0
Programming based on Python 3 and newer at this time. Added some fun console verbage that is basically un needed. Enjoy---------------------------------------------------------------------------
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installing the scrtipt and running on Raspberry pi with Headless Mode setup. Install Raspberry pi OS Create blank file with no Extention called ssh create file called wpa_supplicant.confcountry=US
ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev update_config=1network={
scan_ssid=1 ssid="your_wifi_ssid" psk="your_wifi_password" }then boot unit. Allow boot and install to complete then log in via SSH using default pi Login (pi / raspberry )
After logging in it is always strongly suggested to change the default password before moving on as it does pose a security issue with connecing to your wifi network. At the time of this scripting (12/21) Raspbian comes with Python 3.9.2 Not to update and start installing things sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y git python3-pip python3-tk git clone https://github.com/AKGhost/network-trigger.git Now you should be ready to run the program cd network-trigger python StationAlert.py (Now i suggest installing screen so you can close your ssh window and be able to leave the programming running in the background) you should be greated with:|=====================================================|
Internet tower light |
Internet monitoring |
Remote Light station |
Raspberry pi |
relay hat |
Alaskaradar |
_____________________________________________________ |
System online and Standing by |
_____________________________________________________ |
Once this is complete and running
Now your pi is listening to all traffic found on port 50000 for the keywords set on lines 57 / 64 / 71 / 79 of the script. Change these how you want.That is the end of this part. I will eventually update to show intergration in Zabbix