
Raspberry pi relay with Socat listening.

Primary LanguageShell


Raspberry pi relay with Socat listening.

This is a project to allow remote trigger from Zabbix monitoring server to send messages to remote PI2 driving Red/Yellow/Green tower light via Relay Hat V1.0

Programming based on Python 3 and newer at this time. Added some fun console verbage that is basically un needed.




Installing the scrtipt and running on Raspberry pi with Headless Mode setup.

Install Raspberry pi OS

Create blank file with no Extention called ssh

create file called wpa_supplicant.conf


ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev







then boot unit. Allow boot and install to complete then log in via SSH using default pi Login (pi / raspberry )

After logging in it is always strongly suggested to change the default password before moving on as it does pose a security issue with connecing to your wifi network.

At the time of this scripting (12/21) Raspbian comes with Python 3.9.2

Not to update and start installing things

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install -y git python3-pip python3-tk

git clone https://github.com/AKGhost/network-trigger.git

Now you should be ready to run the program

cd network-trigger

python StationAlert.py

(Now i suggest installing screen so you can close your ssh window and be able to leave the programming running in the background)

you should be greated with:


Internet tower light
Internet monitoring
Remote Light station
Raspberry pi
relay hat
System online and Standing by

Once this is complete and running

Now your pi is listening to all traffic found on port 50000 for the keywords set on lines 57 / 64 / 71 / 79 of the script. Change these how you want.

That is the end of this part. I will eventually update to show intergration in Zabbix