
This application it will contain differences project of the many users for more :https://awardsaki.herokuapp.com/

Primary LanguagePython

project name:Awards

Author: Claudine Akimanizanye

akimanizanye.claudine@gmail.com, https://github.com/AKIMANIZANYE/Awards.git and link for heruku:https://awardsakimana.herokuapp.com/

Date: Fri April 1st 15:58:24 2019 +0200

Descrption of the project

This is project build within Django app for creating and managing differences types of the project that users will be posting , but with a PostgreSQL twist. It was made to show off some of the advanced PostgreSQL features, user can be able to upload project and the link of project .

installation steps

$ git clone $ cd webnar cd awards $ source virtual/bin/activate Inside the manage.py module change


Singup or create an account got to navigation bar click upload project add thename of project add link of the project post you can also sign in and do the same process.

Test Driven Development -TDD

user can create profil Take single link of the project . Search for project. create an account sig in and sign up.

Technology Used

*This application was made with Python version 3.6 using the django framework. *The templates were made using html and was styled using css and bootstrap 3. *The database used was postgresql, it was edited using visual studio code and deployed to heroku. Ptyhon3.6 HTML CSS Django Boostrap


Emails:akimanizanyeclaudine@gmail.com Phone:098766544 Emails:akimanizanyeclaudine@akilahinstitute.org Repositority:https://github.com/AKIMANIZANYE/Awards.git amd thelink of the heroku :https://awardsakimana.herokuapp.com/

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