
Track triangle is about to check the types of triangles .

Primary LanguageJavaScript

#Project name.: Track Triange #Project description. My project called Track triangle is about to chacking what types of triangle Firstly,it will be allowing the user to enter the number that they wish to enter ,in addition to that as question asked to check whether if the triangle is isocele,scelene and equilateral i used conditional statemnts if and esle if condtion to check if the user is willing to see the if the equilaterl she/he can be able to check and if she/he want to check if it is isocele they can get it and there is buttom to submitt to see if what you checked is true. Author(s) information. #Setup instructions - includes any scripts that need to be run if necessary. Firstly i declared the array in my vajascript I used if statment in javascript in addition I used also ifesle statments I used sytles in CSS and i used heading ,links i used also paragraph in HTMLs code not only that but also, I added i used input buttom that allows the users to enter the number that they wish to enter. #Author: Claudine Akimanizanye akimanizanye.claudine@gmail.com Date: Fri Dec 14 11:50:41 2018 +0200

Behavoir Driven Development

 Story: Tracker Triangle  is way of checking types of triangle the questios was about how you can check  if the triagnle is  isocel equilateral  scelene or not  among of this i mentioned above not let foloow what i did in javascript
 input firstnumner
 input secondnumber
 input thirdnumber as function
 use parseint  and getelement by id in html code
 conditional test

if (firstnumber equal to seconnd number AND secondnumber is equal to thirdnumber) {equalitateral}

esle if (firstnumber is equal to secondnumber AND second number doesn't equal to third number) {isosceles}

else if (firstnumber doesn't equal to secondnumber AND second numner doesn't equal to   thirdnumber doesn't equal firstnumber) {scalene}

#Technologies used. I used HTML code CSS styles Javascript

#Contact information Email: akimanizanyeclaudine@gmail.com Phone:0789616355

#License and Copyright information.

copyright: Claudine Akimanizanye 2018
