
A Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) employed to classify images of rice leaf diseases, using pictures uploaded from rice farms, thereby enabling farmers to promptly detect, categorize, and comprehend issues affecting their rice crops.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Rice Leaf Disease Classification using Convolutional Neural Networks

Project Description

This project is a comprehensive guide to building a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for classifying images of rice leaf diseases. The project is divided into several sections, each focusing on a specific part of the machine-learning workflow.


  1. Installing dependencies and Importing Relevant Libraries: This section installs the necessary Python libraries and imports the relevant modules for the project.

  2. Function to Load Images: This section defines a function to load images from a specified folder and uses this function to load images of different types of rice leaf diseases.

  3. Preprocessing Images and Labels: This section creates dictionaries to store the images and their corresponding labels, and then preprocesses the images and labels for machine learning.

  4. Splitting the Dataset and Scaling the Images: This section splits the dataset into training and testing sets and scales the pixel values of the images to be between 0 and 1.

  5. Building and Training the Model: This section defines the architecture of the CNN model, compiles it and trains it on the scaled training data.

  6. Evaluating the Model and Making Predictions: This section evaluates the model's performance on the test dataset, makes predictions on the test dataset, and prints the predictions.

  7. Data Augmentation: This section introduces data augmentation techniques to increase the diversity of the training data, which can help improve the model's performance.

  8. Displaying an Image Before and After Data Augmentation: This section displays an image before and after applying the data augmentation, allowing you to compare the original and augmented images visually.

  9. Building and Training the Model with Data Augmentation: This section defines a new CNN model that includes the data augmentation layer, compiles it, and trains it on the scaled training data.

  10. Evaluating the Model and Making Predictions After Data Augmentation: This section evaluates the new model's performance on the test dataset, makes predictions on the test dataset, and prints the predictions.


Overall, this project provides a detailed walkthrough of the process of building, training, and evaluating a CNN for image classification, with a focus on practical techniques such as data preprocessing, data augmentation, and model evaluation. It serves as a valuable resource for anyone interested in deep learning and its applications in image recognition.

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