
Project 4 of Data Foundation(Now Business Analytics ND) under Bertelsmann Udacity Data Science Scholarship Program.


Project 4 of Data Foundation(Now Business Analytics ND) under Bertelsmann Udacity Data Science Scholarship Program.

Project Description

Telling stories with Data. In this project I used US Flight Delays and Cancellations dataset from Kaggle.

Visualization is Explanatory

  • Does the visualization have a clear finding? The visualization centers on a specific, clear finding in the data.

  • Does the visualization focus on its finding? The selected finding is clearly communicated. Design choices foster communication between the reader and the visualization. Visualization does not add additional colors, shapes, or other design elements in an unnecessary way. Rather, each additional element should add to the insight being made.


  • The written summary should include a brief description of the visualization and state at least one finding.

  • A reader’s summary of the graphic would closely match the written summary in the writeup, and a reader is able to identify at least one main point or relationship that the graphic attempts to convey.

  • To reiterate your report should include at least 3 sets of :- Link(s) to your dashboards or story Summary: brief description of the visualization and the main story or findings conveyed (please include an insight you are able to make from the visualization) Design: explain any design choices you made including changes to the visualization after collecting feedback Resources: list of Web sites, books, forums, blog posts, GitHub repositories etc that you referred to or used in this submission (Add N/A if you did not use such resources).


  • The three visualizations are provided. These visualizations may be a single worksheet, but at least one must be a dashboard involving more than one worksheet. A dashboard counts as a single visualization. All visualizations must be clearly connected to a finding, and foster the interaction pieces (filters, colors, etc.) that allow for the finding to be found easily by a user. One Dashboard is required. A Dashboard is an option in Tableau that allows you to combine multiple charts into one page. This counts as 1 visualization. Two other unique visualizations are also required, These can be two single worksheets, two more dashboards, two more stories, or any combintation of worksheet, dahsboard, or story.

  • Are links to each of the dashboards hosted on Tableau Public provided?

The visuals need to be saved to Tableau Public and the links to those visuals must be provided in the report along with the finding for each visual.If you are unable to save to Tableau Public please include screenshots in your pdf report of each visualization. If you choose to use screenshots you should include at least one screenshot of your filters being used (a before and after picture of the visualization).

  • For each visual, there is a written response as to the insight(s) gained from the visual.

The insight(s) should be accurate and easily available from the filters and interactivity available in the visual.

  • Across your three visuals, you should incorporate at least 3 different types of visuals.

Each visual must be appropriate for the particular data type. However, you cannot submit three bar charts, or three line charts. You should have a minimum of at least three different types of visuals across all of your turned in items. 3 Different types of charts required, here are some types you can choose Bar Chart Line Chart Scatter Chart Histogram Bubble Chart Map Area Chart Pie Chart etc