
🥬🌳🎣Source code of the nature project

Primary LanguageJava

🌿 Nature

Experimental AKUS Works Project

Nature is a new experimental project, focused on adventure and scavenging in the wild.

💻For Developers

  • This project uses Mavens Multi-Module functionality
  • The parent pom.xml is located in the project's root folder
  • Module-specific pom.xmls are located in their respective folders

Remember to commit your changes as soon as possible!

After each commit, remember to increase the version of the project you were working on!


  • nWorld - core nature servers' gameplay. Activities, camps, items etc.
  • nMauris - a resource pack handler. Updating the resource pack and handling custom items, blocks and textures.
  • nAuth - Basic OAuth2 Authorization system through Discord.
  • nSocial - Systems for interacting with Players. (Friends, Party, Kick/Ban/Mute)