
ROS 2 driver for ublox ZED-F9R receiver

Primary LanguageC++


This repository contains packages for ublox f9r.

Quick ROS2 Install

Instant install script for ROS2 on various versions of Ubuntu (20.04 LTS)Linux

Install ROS2 on Ubuntu

put the ublox_f9r folder from the repo in the src folder of workspace

$ cd <ros_workspace> $ colcon build $ source install/setup.bash

Open other terminal for ntrip client

ROS node that will communicate with an NTRIP server to receive RTCM connections and publish them on a ROS topic.

ros2 launch ntrip_client ntrip_client_launch.py

Published Topics

rtcm (mavros_msgs/RTCM)

RTCM corrections received from NTRIP server. Only messages whose checksums have passed validation are sent. The messages contain the raw RTCM bytes including the checksum

## Bug Report

Prefer to open an issue. You can also send an E-mail to omprakashpatro@gmail.com.