
This is a web service for solving Boggle boards. It allows users to submit a Boggle board via an API call and returns all valid words found on the board.


  • Accepts a Boggle board as input via a POST request
  • Solves the Boggle board and returns all valid words
  • Uses a predefined dictionary to validate words

Getting Started


Make sure the following are installed first:

  • Go (I used version 1.21)
  • Gin package go get -u

Running the service

Start the web service by running the following command:

go run main.go

Make POST requests in a different terminal like the following example input and response below (taken from wikapedia):

arianna@Ariannas-MBP % curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/solveBoggleBoard -d '{"board":[["r","h","r","e"],["y","p","c","s"],["w","n","s","n"],["t","e","g","o"]]}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"
