
👽 Cheating Salien minigame, the proper way

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

How to use this

First steps

  1. Join https://steamcommunity.com/groups/SteamDB (needed to represent captures)
  2. Open https://steamcommunity.com/saliengame/gettoken and save it as token.txt in the same folder as cheat.php
  3. Select PHP or Python version of the script. You don't need both



  1. Download this script
  2. Extract it into a new folder
  3. Click cheat.bat and follow instructions


  1. (optional) Launch the App Store and download any updates for macOS. Newer versions of macOS have php and curl included by default
  2. Extract the contents of this script to the Downloads folder
  3. Launch Terminal and run the script: php downloads/cheat.php

You can also provide token directly in CLI, to ease running multiple accounts:

php cheat.php token1
php cheat.php token2


  1. Install php-curl and enable it in php.ini
  2. You know what you are doing. 🐧



  1. Download this script
  2. Extract it into a new folder
  3. Click python-cheat.bat and follow instructions


  1. (optional) Setup virtual env: virtualenv env && source env/bin/activate
  2. pip install requests tqdm
  3. Run the script: python cheat.py [token]


  1. (optional) Launch the App Store and download any updates for macOS. Newer versions of macOS have Python 2.7.10 included by default.
  2. Extract the contents of this script to the Downloads folder.
  3. Launch Terminal and run the following scripts:
    1. sudo easy_install pip
    2. pip install requests tqdm
    3. python downloads/cheat.py [token]


  1. Install vagrant and VirtualBox
  2. Run vagrant up to setup VM
  3. Run cheat
  • For PHP vagrant ssh -c 'php cheat.php [token]
  • For Python vagrant ssh -c 'python3 cheat.py [token]


  1. Extract contents of this script somewhere.
  2. To build: docker build . -t steamdb/saliencheat
  3. To run: docker run -it --init --rm -e TOKEN=<32 character token from gettoken url> steamdb/saliencheat
  4. To stop running, Ctrl+C


Deploying with web-console


  1. Click the button above.
  3. That's all!

To check if it works, visit logs at https://dashboard.heroku.com/apps/[YOUR_APP_NAME]/logs


Download and install Heroku-CLI

If you are using Windows, open cmd by pressing win+r -> type cmd -> press Enter and then enter the following:

heroku login

Enter your Heroku credentials and then enter the following stuff below:

(Required only for first update. Safe to ignore warning about: You appear to have cloned an empty repository) -

git clone https://git.heroku.com/[APP_NAME].git -o heroku
git remote add upstream https://github.com/SteamDatabase/SalienCheat.git

Then enter the following (below stuff required for all updates):

git fetch upstream
git merge remotes/upstream/master
git push heroku master