- Project Name: Hardware Protection
- Version Nr.: v1.0
- Developer: Kage
- Webseite: www.auxilium.cc
Description: This tool is designed to provide a simple hardware protection. Hardware information such as memory size, hard disk serial number, computer name, Windows 7 check, user name, CPU type, CPU level, CPU revision and Mac address are read out. This information is hashed with a SHA2 method and used as a unique HWID. The program is accessed via the Hardcoded HWID or an Access Token System. Furthermore, it can be checked if the file has been started from a removable stick with a FAT32 format
- The tool supports a character set of MBCS and UNICODE.
- It also supports x86 and x64 platforms.
- The protection for the user-defined time-of-use is based on the system time. By a simple time conversion this can be bypassed and is therefore not safe!
- The encryption and decryption process is based on a simple xor encryption and can be reversed. Better would be a ciphertext encryption with base64 and a separation from admin and user client.
Access Token System:
- user start programm and send developer personal code
- developer convert personal code to access token
- developer send access token to user
- user input access token and run the programm
Import instruction:
- Include the folder "HardwareProtection" to your project. (with all .h and .cpp files)
- Include the content from "main.cpp" to your project "main.cpp"
- Start the programm and copy your Hwid to clipboard
- Go to "HardwareProtection/NewMain.cpp" and insert your Hwid in the userList
- Then change the "RandomSeedKey" to a random 8 digit number
- At least you need to change the first if in the "int mainHardwareProtection()" From: "if(true)" -> To: "if(false)"
- Done and give credits